Have you thought about what exciting new opportunities lie ahead with 5G? Come check out what they are!
This free course is the first step to your new future!
This interactive module illustrates what 5G really is and what will this new technology enable. Students will review the changes in generational technology, cover the driving forces of 5G, and identify practical implications of the new features and timelines for deployment and standardization. Learners will gain a greater understanding of the direct and indirect impacts 5G will have on their personal and professional life.
We want everyone to be able to understand how the future will be shaped with 5G, no strings attached.
This course above can be completed in 30 minutes or less. Press play on your commercial breaks!
Our avatar, Marcus, will bring you along on his journey on discovering the world that is 5G.
Industry Leaders Trust TEC
Through jobs and skills training, we’re changing the industry one person at a time.
Are you the next rising star in the Wireless Infrastructure Industry?
For The Industry, By The Industry
Easiness of Learning:
Partnering with TEC has benefited SOLiD a great deal as we are committed to help shape the industry through education. The symbiosis has been both fun and rewarding, and we look forward to continuing to engage on other fronts.
Lakshmin Thiagarajan
Sr. Director Engineering Certification & Design
Usefulness Of Information:
Thank you for an extremely well-organized pilot for the new In-Building Solutions training program! I was very impressed with the TEC instructors’ depth of knowledge and real-world experience which made for a very enjoyable and interesting 3 days.